29 November 2011

A Scrap Quiz - What's your scrap history? Part 5

Previous scrapping history posts have discussed how I started scrapbooking and all the different types of scrapping I've tried.

At this point we're around 2007 ish.

Now, I don't know when it was, but I know I went on a scrapping hiatus for about a year at some point. 

I was frustrated with having to keep up all the time. 

I was completely overwhelmed with the photo developing part! I was getting them done for mini albums, the holiday album, chrono albums - gosh, I remember how confusing it was.

I'd come home with so many photos for so many things and in so many sizes. All that organising took so much effort...too much and I flicked it eventually.

I know I stopped making mini albums in 2009. It might've been halfway through 2008. 

I didn't do it on purpose, it just happened.

I think they had just run their course with me pretty much.

I wanted to simplify things and just concentrate on our everyday photos. They were where my heart was.

I wasn't happy with my process though - there was definitely no output.

I see myself as a lifelong scrapbooker.

A lifelong photo and story organiser.

I am a scrapbooker, yes.

I am a lifelong scrapbooker more like it.

So, no output for a year.

I hoped an answer would come, so I just left it.

One day (and I've blogged about this before), I saw an open album using divided page protectors in a photo that Ali Edwards put on her blog and all of a sudden the penny dropped.

"I need my stuff out where I can see it."

You can read the story here...

After that - it all started happening.

I was getting so much done and I was standing up - amazing.

Before the penny dropped, in an effort to change things up and find a solution, I bought Project Life by Becky Higgins.

It was going to be my introduction to scrapping using a pre-made kit, divided page protectors and a three ring binder (something I'd always avoided)....and hopefully the solution I needed.

(Project Life started out as a photo-a-day project, but it's evolved into more than that. It's a whole system that you can buy and use however you want. My intention was to just use it with my photos as I took them and got them developed).

While I waited for Project Life to arrive...

I kept scrapping the old way to use up the albums I already had...

(Yep, that's an 8 1/2 x 11" page protector in a 12 x 12 album. Ah la Ali Edwards too. She mixes all the different sizes.)

...which led me to my new way.

My old way of scrapping?
  • Post bound albums
  • Photos developed in lots of sizes
  • Full sized page protectors
  • White backgrounds (the ones that came in the album)
  • Some colour with patterned paper and bits
  • Fairly flat - no buttons or whatnots. 
  • Chronological order
  • I sat and scrapped at the dining table (or other location)
  • I scrapped in bunches a lot more - 2 or 3 times a year for days or weeks at a time
  • I did mini albums, chrono scrapping, other 12 x12 albums, gift albums etc etc all at the same time and got very confused!

My new way of scrapping?
  • Three ring binders (we'll be friends for life)
  • Photos developed in 4 x 6
  • Photos chopped from 4 x 6 if I want them smaller
  • Some larger photos, but not many. 
  • Divided page protectors - all sizes, all brands including Project Life
  • Colour with patterned paper and bits
  • Fairly flat - no buttons really
  • Chronological order
  • Standing up at my cabinet in the living room (I'm now one of those ladies who scraps in what they call shared spaces).
  • I scrap more often. 
  • I do just my chrono photos now. I don't do any other mini albums, 12 x 12 ones or anything like that. 
  • Actually not true, I do do the occasional other thing, but it pretty much goes all into the one book (except trips). I really like that. 
  • Trips will be in divided page protector albums too from now on, but separate from the chrono pages. I like to be able to pull a trip album off the shelf and look through it. 
  • I like December Daily albums. I'll do them for as long as I want to. If I don't want to, I won't. 

In my next post I'm going to have a look at the three DD albums I've done and then after that show you some pages in my current chrono album. 

Back soon!


  1. I'm lovin' your scrap quiz series! Very interesting! Gosh, we've been doing this scrapbooking thing a long time haven't we???

  2. Hi Gail,
    Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it. Yes, yes we have. And it's changed so much...so have we actually, ha ha.


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