21 November 2011

It's Monday morning and...

~ I've kissed Andrew goodbye. 

~ And heard him reverse back down the driveway to get the bin.

~ I've patted the dog. 

~ And noticed the top of my footwear was chewed off. I thought he was done with chewing.

(Last year's string)

~ I've hung a few things (from 2010) on the string in the dining room.   

~ And heard the strains of Advance Australia Fair coming in on the breeze from the local school. We used to sing God Save the Queen.

Other things: 

~ I'm going to buy a visual diary for my December Daily. I was going to use the blue Smash, but it's not going to work. I thought it would...I checked that it would. But yesterday it said nup. I said nup. We all said nup.

~ I'll save it for regular Smashing.

~ I like visual diaries - the pages are blank and the pages are thick. I like the bound books...spirals get in the way of writing, stop the pages from turning easily and induce a potential ripping-of-page factor.

~ The Smash books have spirals...hmm. Don't see it as a problem though.

~ I'm an oxymoron.

~ I've got a lot of projects on the go and I just seem to keep adding more.

~ I heard somewhere that it's good for creative people to have a lot of projects on the go at once, so you can follow the inspiration as it strikes. I have literally 11 things I can choose from when I have some free time. They're not a to-do list, they're a 'what do I want to do?' or an option list. I have some time, what do I want to do?

~ And last night what I did was make a tree ornament for the string. It's not finished, it needs glitter, but still...was fun...and it wasn't even on my radar to begin with.

(It's like this, but bigger, has more layers, no glitter yet and a different string. I guess it's nothing like this)

Last thing for today - check out this post.

Oh man, wouldn't you just love some of those drawers??

Please, oh please, drawers are one of my favourite things. How dumb is that? But I just love 'em...

Bye now!


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