Because I like October Afternoon paper so much, thou shalt not waste any.
Thou shalt use them up on cute cards just for fun.

Thou does not have to cut them into 15 x 15 squares, but thou might like to.
Remember, thou is using scraps, so 15 x 15 is a good size.
13 x 13 is a good size, but thou will have wastage from a 12 x 12 sheet.
17 x 17 is also a good size, but thou will also have wastage from a 12 x 12 sheet.
The point of using scraps is to avoid wastage, so go the quarters, yes?
Wondering if thou is keeping up with the terminology - 15 x 15 is in cm and 12 by 12 is inches. You knew that. Thought I'd go between the two, just to keep you on your toes.
Summary of above: Cut your 12 x 12 cardstock into quarters to make four card bases. It's quick and there's no scraps.
Use your strips.
Use your scraps.
Try not to create scraps.
Pretend you have to make 100 cards with your scraps and conserve them, so you can make lots.
Or not.
A cow might suit thou?
A sow might suit thou?
A fowl might suit thou?
Cow, sow and fowl might suit thou?
Thou might like to purchase a clear Stardust pen from Photo Continental - they have many in stock. Thou will have to walk to the back wall where all the quills and inks are kept. Thou will find quite a choice.
Thou might like to spend the time sewing actual thread through the holes. This takes extra time (and a needle) and thou might not like to go there.
But thou could, if thou chooses.
But thou could, if thou chooses.
Big or little, grab a heart and glue it where thou likes.
Please though, make sure it's in red. Red should be thou's friend.
A red heart on the card below wouldn't go astray. Following one's advice is, in fact, a good idea...oh well.
A red heart on the card below wouldn't go astray. Following one's advice is, in fact, a good idea...oh well.

All thou has to do after that is continue to use all thy October Afternoon scraps until there's none left. If thou doesn't, the paper police will come to thy abode, book thou for Obstruction of Papercrafting, search thy house, take thy October Afternoon scraps and send them to me... heh heh.
Thus ends the "October Afternoon - Using up your scraps" post.
Chuckle chuckle
ReplyDeleteOh and pretty cards too. Love them.
ReplyDeletePete sniff! :o)