I mentioned yesterday that I'd post my December Daily album.
I also mentioned yesterday that it took a lot of time to put together.
What I didn't mention yesterday was that I really enjoyed the time that it took. I watched Christmas movies, chooked around and enjoyed the quiet time it gave me in the busy season. That was kinda fun.

Book first, find out tone.
Cover last, using found tone.
Does that make sense?
It comes from doing the cover first a few times and realising it didn't suit the book in the end. I would plan the book and then it would go in another direction.
The photo on the front is of my favourite ornament find of 2008. He's a cute Santa, don't you think? I hunt for an ornament or two each year, but there's no rule that I have to find one. I'm not into rules when things are supposed to be fun. Where's the fun in having to buy a new ornament each year?

To make the actual book - I grabbed all my Christmas papers (some old, some new) and started making pages of all different sizes.
12 x 12 folded in half was a popular option.
Any size was a popular option!
It's easy at this stage to make pages of any size. It's fun, and I liked doing it.
What made my book harder to work with was then I had to get the photos developed at different sizes. I really don't like the photo-developing part. Never have.
If I do a book this year, all photos will be 4 x 6, or 6 x 8. Large is good. Large I can handle.
Actually, that's a good idea. Decide on photo sizes then design the book to match them.

See why the different sized pages can be fun? They peek out and you see different bits and pieces as you flip through the book.

That music paper on the left is sandwiched between two pieces of acetate and then the corners are sewn using red thread.

Dates for each of the pages
(Making Memories brought out a piece of paper with the numbers 1 to 25 on it last year, so I used that)
Journalling blocks
Papers with different edges like the label one and the scalloped one above
Different sized photos
Photos as the actual pages
Ali uses envelopes
Another Ali idea - page protectors (see 4 x 6 page protector below)
Anything else you want to include! That's where the fun is, using stuff and making it up as you go.

Yeah, right. It's been painted a couple of times, but the project's stalled. Honestly, why do I do it to myself? 2009 has been the year for realising I'm done with furniture restoration. But I will finish it. I'll make myself do it - maybe this summer.

We had a chat about the Christmas activities we wanted to do - different types of markets, fireworks, movie night, light spotting etc and then put all the activities in the diary. Worked really well actually. I'd do that again.

(Some sad news - Rustee had to be put down last weekend at the age of 13. We're all very sad. She was such a good dog and lived a good life. She'll be remembered with a lot of love, that's for sure)
Lastly, the back page/cover. It's a pocket and inside are about three typed A4 pages of other things I wanted to mention about the season. There were lots of stories I wanted to write down, so they went here.
One story? My mum and sister-in-law came to do some Christmas crafting and it became very apparent that our Christmas music selection was very limited. Like, very. It became a bit funny like things do late at night... Later in the season Mum gave me some new music and we had a chuckle all over again.
So, that's it. That's my December Daily for 2008.
Will I do one for 2009? I'd like to...
What about you? Is it something you'd like to try?
Have a great day!
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